Mason County PSD – Mason County, WV

Sand Hill Road Sewer Extension

CONTRACT #1 – Force Main – Sand Hill Road to WWTP

Unit price contract to install 17,035 LF of 8 inch PVC force main, 10 LF of 4 inch and 6 inch PVC service lines, 120 LF of 1-1/4″ PE pressure sewer service, 1 grinder pump, 40 clean outs, 9 sewage combination air release valves, 205 LF of highway borings, 60 LF of railroad borings, 410 LF of horizontal directional drilling, 75 LF of open cut with steel casing, 60 LF of stream crossings, 1 tie-in to existing system, surface restoration, video-taping of surface features and other appurtenances required to build a complete sewer system.

CONTRACT #2 – Collection Lines – Durst Lane to Oshel Road

Unit price contract to install 7,519 LF of 10 inch and 8 inch PVC gravity sewer, 3,600 LF of 4 inch and 6 inch PVC service lines, 10,165 LF of 8 inch and 6 inch PVC force main, 1,900 LF of 2 inch PVC pressure sewer, 3,451 LF of 1-1/4″ PE pressure sewer service, 71 new manholes, 82 VF of 48 inch riser pipe, 39 grinder pumps, 25 clean outs, 2 sewage combination air release valves, 540 LF of highway borings, 120 LF of horizontal directional drilling, 30 LF of open cut with steel casing, 230 LF of stream crossings, 5 tie-in to manholes, surface restoration, video-taping of surface features and other appurtenances required to build a complete sewer system.

CONTRACT #3 – Collection Lines – Oshel Road to Walnut Creek

Unit price contract to install 12,010 LF of 8 inch PVC gravity sewer, 9,367 LF of 4 inch and 6 inch PVC service lines, 11,120 LF of 6 inch, 4 inch and 3 inch PVC force main, 11,175 LF of 3 inch and 2 inch PVC pressure sewer, 9,215 LF of 1-1/4″ PE pressure sewer service, 86 new manholes, 127 VF of 48 inch riser pipe, 71 grinder pumps, 51 clean outs, 15 sewage combination air release valves, 905 LF of highway borings, 1,540 LF of horizontal directional drilling, 240 LF of open cut with steel casing, 206 LF of stream crossings, 3 tie-in to manholes, surface restoration, video-taping of surface features and other appurtenances required to build a complete sewer system.

CONTRACT #4 – Collection Lines – Walnut Creek to Bethel Road

Unit price contract to construct approximately 320 LF of 8″, 17,470 LF of 6″,60 LF of 4″, and 150 LF of 2″ water line, 26 gate valve and boxes, 8 fire hydrants, 137′ highway boring, 1,535′ of horizontal directional drills, 94 service reconnect, 15 cut and cap existing main, and 12 tie in to existing mains; and other work required to provUnit price contract to install 14,328 LF of 8 inch PVC gravity sewer, 4,680 LF of 4 inch and 6 inch PVC service lines, 2,240 LF of 3 inch PVC force main, 4,225 LF of 2 inch PVC pressure sewer, 2,120 LF of 1-1/4″ PE pressure sewer service, 119 new manholes, 95 VF of 48 inch riser pipe, 18 grinder pumps, 13 clean outs, 4 sewage combination air release valves, 415 LF of highway borings, 90 LF of open cut with steel casing, 160 LF of stream crossings, 4 tie-in to manholes, surface restoration, video-taping of surface features and other appurtenances required to build a complete sewer system.

CONTRACT #5 – Lift Stations and Package Plant Decommissioning

Lump sum contract to perform all work required to provide 7 lift stations and to decommission and demolish one wastewater package plant.  Lift station work includes constructing lift stations, site piping, miscellaneous electrical work, providing 3 stationary generators, access road, fencing, landscaping, and other incidental work required for a complete operating lift station.  Decommissioning work includes pumping supernatant to lift station, remove and dispose of sludge at local landfill, remove and dispose of piping and equipment, demolition of select structures, grading plant site to provide positive drainage and other incidental work.