Pendleton County PSD – Pendleton County, WV
Sandy Ridge Water Extension
CONTRACT #1 – Water Lines and Booster Stations
Unit price contract to provide and install 34,240 LF 4-inch water line; 2,280 LF of 3-inch water line; 1,300 LF 2-inch water line; 1,030 LF of directional drills; 152 LF of highway bores; 50 LF of highway open cuts; 80 LF of stream crossings; 24 gate valves; 6 Air Release Assemblies; 9 Flushout Assemblies; 1 80 GPM hydroconstant booster station; 1 50 GPM booster station; and other work required to provide the complete system improvements project.
CONTRACT #2 – Water Storage Tank
Lump sum contract to construct one (1) water storage tank measuring 11 feet in diameter by 33 feet in height to the overflow with a nominal volume of 24,000 gallons. Contract also includes access road and appurtenances to make a complete operating system.