
Central Hampshire PSD
Wastewater System Improvements
CONTRACT #1 – Frenchburg Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
Lump sum to construct the Wastewater Treatment Plant consisting of all work necessary to construct a 200,000 gpd Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) wastewater treatment plant on an existing wastewater treatment site including an influent submersible sewage lift station, headworks building including the existing mechanical screen, rehabilitated and reinstalled in the new channel, and grit removal chamber, primary treatment facilities housed in rectangular concrete tanks, ultraviolet disinfection channel, Parshall flume, converting the existing clarifier to a sludge holding tank, site piping, miscellaneous electrical work, access road, fencing, landscaping, demolition of existing lift station, treatment basins, sludge holding basin, converting the existing headworks building to a storage building and other incidental work required for a complete operating wastewater treatment plant. Construction of one (1) lift station consisting of precast concrete structures, piping, pump installation, demolition of an existing lift station and concrete package plant, 4,760 feet of 6″ force main, and tie-into new manhole on existing gravity sewer line, install concrete valve
CONTRACT #2 – Wastewater System Rehabilitation
Unit price contract to install 35 new manholes, rebuild 23 inverts, 156 vf of manhole sealings, replace 39 new castings, locate, and raise 13 manholes, repair 9 cleanouts, 18 manhole root removals, rehabilitation of two (2) existing lift stations, and other work required to provide a complete rehabilitated wastewater system.